Beauty Queen
c0me 0n. .i'm going to teach you about *Soap Preparation Process*
Saturday, 21 January 2012 | 07:16 | 0 comments
  • Soap can be prepared by heating fat or oil together with alkali through the saponification process
  • The saponification process is a hydrolysis process of ester (oil or fat) by alkali
  • The vegetable oil that is usually used to manufacture soap is palm oil, coconut oil and olive oil
  • The manufacturing of soap can be divided into two stages, that is
         a) Stage 1
             ~The two parts of the oil or fat (ester) molecule are separated by heating the oil with
               alkaline solution through the hydrolysis process
             ~In this process, the oil or fat(ester) molecule is broken up into fatty acid and
                glycerol  by water in the presence of alkali which acts as a catalyst
          b) Stage 2
              ~The fatty acid that is released in Stage 1 reacts with alkali to form sodium salt fatty
              acid which is soap

  • The type of soap that is produced depends on the type of fatty acid and alkali that is used
  • The soap that is produced can be precipitated out from the mixture by adding table salt that is sodium choride
  • Sodium chloride is added to reduce the solubility of soap in water and causes the soap to be separated from the solution
  • The soap that is produced is filtered, purified and added with additives such as biological enzymes, whitening agents, antiseptics, perfumes and colouring
  • There are 2 types of soap :

                        sOlid soap                                                                                           liquid soap

post by : prof MIZANA

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