Beauty Queen
Sunday 22 January 2012 | 21:04 | 0 comments
haa . lets discuss about food additives --> what's that ? .

pada zaman dahulu --> food were grown , collected , and eaten directly from a relatively unpolluted Eart . wild foods were sought and gathered . Cleaner oceans , lakes and rivers fed us nutritious fish . As the human population grew exponentially , farming progressed , trade developed and local markets shared a variety of goods among a diversity of people . Technique for food preparation and preservation , such as pickling , salting and smoking , were developed to deal with the new problems of storage , waste and food-borne illnesses . With advanced technology , our modern food industry's reliance on precessing and additives continues to increase . This seemingly abundance of foodstuff found in our supermarkets of today is deceiving our bodies by selling foods products that are chemically altered and designed to appeal to us .

bOred ? relax ~ don't stress k . tarik nafas dalam2 n hembus :O . uke . kita sambong .


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