Beauty Queen
modern medicine
Monday 23 January 2012 | 23:41 | 0 comments
hello guys.., today i wanna share share wif u all about modern medicine..hehe

  • okayy.. do u know what is Analgesics?? Analgesics also known as is also do not treat the cause of the pain, but juz to relieve pain without causing numbness or affecting consciousness..

ehem2..ny la painkiller :))

okay kwan2..the next modern medicine are  antibiotics.. 
maybe semua dah penah dgr kan nama ubat ny.. tapi kali ny prof aesya akan ceritakan sedikit sebanyak about ANTIBIOTICS ... hehe !!
  • Antibiotics are used to treat infections caused by bacteria but do not to cure infection caused by virus..
okayy senang cerita mcm ni la...antibiotik ni digunakan utk mencegah bukan utk menyembuh dlm jangka msa yg pnjang.. 
  • Antibiotics are obtained from bacteria and fungi.. It also should be finished to make sure that all bacteria are killed or kena bunuh ...hewhew.. okayy dh pham??kalau x besa tgok ubat antibiotik..cuba tgok bwh ni.. hehe..
                                                               comel kan antibiotics ni..

      Then, mari kita berkenalan dgn  Psychotherapeutic medicine pulak.. ofkoz ramai kat luar sana tu x penah lgi dgr nma ubat ni kan?? nak sebot pon berbelit2 lidah kan..haha..okayy lets me introduce about the Psychotherapeutic medicine  a.k.a. psikoterapi perubatan ...
  • Psychotherapeutic medicine are used to alter abnormal thinking , feeling or behaviours..
  • these medicine do not cure mental illness but juz reduce the symptoms of mental illness.            

                                             FUNCTION OF MODERN MEDICINE


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