Beauty Queen
Tuesday 24 January 2012 | 01:38 | 0 comments
Medicine applies health sciencebiomedical research, and medical technology to diagnose and treat injury and disease, typically through medication or surgery, but also through therapies as diverse as psychotherapyexternal splints & tractionprosthesesbiologicsionizing radiation and others.

Traditional medicine

Traditional medicine is comprises systems of medicine that developed over generations within various societies before the era of modern medicine. Practices known as traditional medicines include herbalAyurvedaSiddha medicineUnaniancient Iranian medicineIslamic medicinetraditional Chinese medicinetraditional Korean medicineacupuncture,and other pseudomedical knowledge and practices all over the globe.

sources and uses of traditional medicine

sources >
  • primary source in medicine is one in which the authors directly participated in the research or documented their personal experiences. They examined the patients, injected the rats, filled the test tubes, or at least supervised those who did.
  • secondary source in medicine summarizes one or more primary or secondary sources, usually to provide an overview of the current understanding of a medical topic, to make recommendations, or to combine the results of several studies. 
  • tertiary source usually summarizes a range of secondary sources. Undergraduate textbooks, lay scientific books, and encyclopedias are tertiary sources.

uses > Aloe Vera: to produce juice and taken orally or rubbed on body

        >Ginseng : the roots is dried and used to make tablets , capsules and powder
        >Garlic : clovers can be eaten raw or cooked

by :: prOf AmIrAh
modern medicine
Monday 23 January 2012 | 23:41 | 0 comments
hello guys.., today i wanna share share wif u all about modern medicine..hehe

  • okayy.. do u know what is Analgesics?? Analgesics also known as is also do not treat the cause of the pain, but juz to relieve pain without causing numbness or affecting consciousness..

ehem2..ny la painkiller :))

okay kwan2..the next modern medicine are  antibiotics.. 
maybe semua dah penah dgr kan nama ubat ny.. tapi kali ny prof aesya akan ceritakan sedikit sebanyak about ANTIBIOTICS ... hehe !!
  • Antibiotics are used to treat infections caused by bacteria but do not to cure infection caused by virus..
okayy senang cerita mcm ni la...antibiotik ni digunakan utk mencegah bukan utk menyembuh dlm jangka msa yg pnjang.. 
  • Antibiotics are obtained from bacteria and fungi.. It also should be finished to make sure that all bacteria are killed or kena bunuh ...hewhew.. okayy dh pham??kalau x besa tgok ubat antibiotik..cuba tgok bwh ni.. hehe..
                                                               comel kan antibiotics ni..

      Then, mari kita berkenalan dgn  Psychotherapeutic medicine pulak.. ofkoz ramai kat luar sana tu x penah lgi dgr nma ubat ni kan?? nak sebot pon berbelit2 lidah kan..haha..okayy lets me introduce about the Psychotherapeutic medicine  a.k.a. psikoterapi perubatan ...
  • Psychotherapeutic medicine are used to alter abnormal thinking , feeling or behaviours..
  • these medicine do not cure mental illness but juz reduce the symptoms of mental illness.            

                                             FUNCTION OF MODERN MEDICINE

FoOD aDditiVes
| 07:29 | 0 comments
fuhhh!!!!dah puas mmbebel sal Mr.SOAP and Mrs.Detergent mari kta cte sal tjuk di ats lak...okey you all lets start now ~ ~
       firstly let beginning with the types of food additives can be classified according to their source or additives can be natural or synthetic compounds..

      food additives are added to food to:
           (a)supply nutrients           (b)enhance the colour                  
           (c)add flavour                  (d)improve the food texture 
          (e)preserve the food




               for our ancient times table salt was used as a preservative to preserve fish,ham and bacon...sugar has been used to preserve jelly,fruit jams and!!at present there are more than 2500 food additives.
                        the chemical compound used as preservatives today includes:
                           (a)benzoic acid C6H5COOH
                           (b)sodium benzoate,C6H5COONa
                           (c)calcium propionate(C2H5COO)2Ca
                           (d)sodium nitrate,NaNO2
             the preservatives are added to a food so as to inhabit the growth of bacteria,yeasts,moulds and other microorganisms..with added preservatives,food lasts longer.that is they increase or extend the shelf life of food....
           other type of food preservatives are: a) vinegar             
                                                                  b)sulphur dioxide
                                                                  c)sorbic acid
                                                                  d)propanoic acid
                                                                  e)potassium sorbate
                                                                  f)sodium nitrate

   sodium nitrate-to preserve frozen meat,tinned meat.sausage and bergers.
        (prevents the growth of bacteria especially clostridium botulinum.)
                   (give meat a fresh reddish colour making lokk fresh)  


     sodium benzoate-preserve friut juice,chilli sauce,tomato is not hazard to health when small amounts are used.but in big amounts sodium benzoate will damage the nervous system.some people are also allergic to it...


      vinegar-to preserve cut fruits vegetable(jeruk) and chilli.because common bacteria will not be able to                          live in an acid medium...


    sulphur dioxide- is often used as a preserve in soft drinks and sauces.


okey lets continue with Antioxidants.....
               food tends to be oxidised or deteriorate when kept for a long time.antioxidantsare normally added to prevents deterioration of fats and oils.These antioxidants prevents fats and oils from becoming rancid when exposed to air...the addition of antioxidants extends the shelf life of fats and oil.

          vegetable oils contain natural antioxidants,such as vitamin E(preserve oil) the Food Act of 1983,food manufacturers can use eleven types of antioxidants in food.these antioxidants includes:
            (a)ascorbic acid                          (b)ascorbic palmitate
            (c)citric acid                                (d)isopropyl citrate

       processed food that contains antioxidants are
             (a)cakes               (b)biscuits                (c)margarine
             (d)deep fried food                                (e)vegetable oil
 vitamin C also  used as an antioxidants for fresh fruits and frozen fish



           FLavouring agents....

     flavouring agents are food additives.they are added to food to make the food taste better so as to make them more appealing....there are more than 1750 natural and synthetic artificial flavouring known..the two most common food flavouring agents are monosodium glutamate and aspartame..

  monosodium glutamate(MSG) is a white crystalline powder with a chemical formula of has no flavour of its own,but enhance the flavour of foods in meat and is often used to increase the flavour of:
                    (a)packaged food            (b)fast foods
                     (c)chinese cuisine

ThE aDvANtagE OF mrS.DetErGeN....
| 00:43 | 0 comments
TD mrs lak..mrs pa tah...hah!!!Mrs.DETERGEN....
           the main advantage of using detergens is that they are effective in hard water and acidic water.for our hard water a detergen does not form insoluble precipitate
            during the reaction with hard water the following products are formed with calcium and magnesium ions
                (a)calcium alkyl sulphate          (b)calcium alkylbenzene sulphonate
                (c)magnesium alkyl sulphate    (d)magnesium alkylbenzene sulphonate

ALL the product above,are soluble in water.thus,hard water does not affect the cleansing action of detergen...a detergen is effective in acidic water.this is because the detergen molecules do not react with the hydrogen ions in acidic water.different type of detergen can be produced by altering their molecular structures

 same with mR.SoaP.....Mrs.Detergen also have a problems....the detergens used caused pollution in rivers.
..(a)these detergens contain branched chains of hydocarbons...(b)the bacteria in the sewage works could not break down these chains..(c)the detergens flowed into the rivers producing foam which pollute the rivers.this will also affect the oxygenation of river water and threaten aquatic animals and plants.
             Modern detergents have straight chains:                                                  
                  these chains are easily broken down by bacteria.they are biodegradable.these biodegradable detergents do not cause pollution.

ThE aDvANtagE OF mr.S-o-a-P
Sunday 22 January 2012 | 23:40 | 0 comments
korang nak taw dak kelebihan sabun dlm khidupan kite????ce angguk2 pala!!huhu...
meh cni nk cte...

       firstly because soap is easily broken down by bacteria.they are is,soap does not pollute rivers and lastly you all must know soap is not poisonous.
but........something you all should know is soap have a problem...there are two problem...firstly-fats and oil for making them are quite expensive.secondly-they form a scum with hard water :-0 because hard water contain dissolved calcium and magnesium salts...the magnesium and calcium ions in hard water react with soap to form insoluble white precipitates.these precipitates are generally called scum
                               puhhhh!!bowink....okey2 let look the example first :

     ->   sodium palmitate will ionise to form sodium ions and palmitate
     ->the palmitate ions will react with calcium to form calcium palmitate..
               cal;cium palmitate is a percipitate and will form a scum.
     ->the palmitate ions will also react with magnesium to form magnesium palmitate...
              magnesium palmitate is a percipitate and will also form the scum.

    so.......the soap will have to react with all the calcium and magnesium ion before it can begin the cleansing action on the clothes to be washed.that is soap is wasted to remove the hardness of water.the scum that is formed will also stick to the clothes.this will make the washed clothes look dirty also.However my dear fren...soap will be more useful when soft water is used.this is because soft water does not contain magnesium and calcium ions.Soap is also less effective in acidic water...1)acidic water contains hydrogen ions..2)the hydrogen ions react with soap ions to form fatty acids...3)the fatty acid does not have an ionic head.therefore it cannot perform cleansing action.4)fatty acid does not dissolves in water.there it cannot wet the clothes to be washed......conclusion=soap is not effectiive in hard water or in acidic water
                  sodium stearate soap:
                                                                  formula of sodium stearate ion

                                          soap have sodium stearate


| 21:04 | 0 comments
haa . lets discuss about food additives --> what's that ? .

pada zaman dahulu --> food were grown , collected , and eaten directly from a relatively unpolluted Eart . wild foods were sought and gathered . Cleaner oceans , lakes and rivers fed us nutritious fish . As the human population grew exponentially , farming progressed , trade developed and local markets shared a variety of goods among a diversity of people . Technique for food preparation and preservation , such as pickling , salting and smoking , were developed to deal with the new problems of storage , waste and food-borne illnesses . With advanced technology , our modern food industry's reliance on precessing and additives continues to increase . This seemingly abundance of foodstuff found in our supermarkets of today is deceiving our bodies by selling foods products that are chemically altered and designed to appeal to us .

bOred ? relax ~ don't stress k . tarik nafas dalam2 n hembus :O . uke . kita sambong .

Enzyme In Detergent
| 20:42 | 0 comments
  • Enzymes are used in cleaning products as cleaning and fabric care agents.
  • Most of the used enzyme types breakdown large, water-insoluble soils and stains which are attached to e.g. fabrics, into smaller, more water-soluble pieces. 
  • The enzyme does not loose its functionality after having worked on one stain and continues to work on the next one. Some enzymes also deliver fabric care benefits by e.g. better maintaining whiteness or keeping colours bright.

The most important reasons to use enzymes in detergents are
i) that a very small quantity of these inexhaustible bio-catalysts can replace very large quantity of man made chemicals

ii) enzymes can work at very low temperature at which traditional chemistry quite often is no longer effective

iii) they are fully biodegradable. All these characteristics make enzymes - on top of their high efficiency - environmentally friendly ingredients. 

  •  Enzymes are proteins, composed of hundred of amino-acids, which are produced by living organisms.
  • They are responsible for a number of reactions and biological activities in plants, animals, human beings and micro-organisms.
  • They are found in the human digestive system to break down carbohydrates (sugars), fats or proteins present in food.

Each enzyme is a made of a sequence of amino acids .Only a small part of the enzyme participates in the catalysis of biochemical reactions: the active site

Enzymes are essential for all metabolic processe, but are not themselves living materials. They are distinguishable from other proteins.

bY :: prOf AmiRah

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